
Why SEL?

Why is SEL needed in middle school and high school?

“Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for teenagers”. ~Center of Disease Control

The teenage years are an especially vulnerable time as the brain continues to develop, hormones fluctuate, and self-identity is forming. Coupled with social pressures, increased performance expectations, traumatic events - teens are going through a lot! The statistics on youth depression, suicide and problem behaviors tell the story.

A CDC survey in August 2020 on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Americans' mental health found 75% of respondents between 18-24 years of age reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health symptom. Twenty-five percent of respondents in this age group seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey.

According to The National Institute of Mental Health, 20% of American youth will experience some degree of depression and 30% of depressed teens develop a substance use disorder. Additionally, teens have higher levels of anxiety than adults. NIMH found that nearly 32 percent of teens have suffered from an anxiety disorder in the past year.